Cakebowl Game 3 & Overnight

Game 3 brought one of those rarest of games – Slann v Slann as I took on Waddywoos!  Not quite a mirror match, as his Krox had Break Tackle, and he had 2 Blitzers, 3 Catchers and 5 Rerolls against my 1 Blitzer, 4 Catchers, 4 Rerolls and Apo.  It was raining (nice weather for frogs), but this didn’t stop him catching the ball from the kick-off and scoring in 4 turns.  Not a straightforward drive, as his Krox managed to kill himself on a double both down, and I sacked the ball carrier, but the Catchers were good enough to retrieve the ball.

On my drive he managed to sack my ball carrier, with the combination of guard catchers and strip ball and wrestle blitzers being impossible to defend against, and the weather stopped me being able to equalise in the first half.  The second half started with a OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAmassive ruck in the middle of the pitch (right), with lots of wet froggy slaps causing little damage to either side.  From this position I blitzed the bottom left green frog on to the ball and it happily bounced to the red blitzer, who caught it on a 6 (the rain had stopped by this time), but 2 TZs.  I mustered the courage to attempt the leap out, and made it, so could then have stalled pretty well for the tie, but no-one wins tournaments with ties so I ran it in!

I thought I had been rewarded, when I was able to leap into his cage and pow the ball carrier, but some audacious dice-rolling allowed him to recover and make it 2-1 on the very next term.  4 turns for me to pull the draw out, and it should have just taken 2+ rolls all the way.  I managed to mess that up by rolling snake eyes on a catch, and the ball bounced into the open, ready for retrieval on a 3+.  Double 2s, and the draw was on, so I felt silly about having bounced my dice cup on the floor in a fit of pique.

No snake eyes this turn, so the game finished in a froggy draw, 2-2.

Unbeaten for the day, 2 touchdowns in each game – will take that.  Block on the Kroxigor, another Guard catcher, and then two more Block linefrogs.

Alex drew 3-3 against HungDonkeyMan’s wood elves, a very impressive result, and Linus lost to Nonumber’s wood elves.

The Sann Clan finish on 2 wins, 4 draws and 3 losses.  Haven’t seen the draw yet for today, but Dionysian and Hobnail are meeting at the top of the table on 3 wins each.  The former has Dwarves with a wizard and will be fielding 8 Guard, and Hobnail has Zons with Roxanna, so will be facing a bit of an uphill battle!

Bonus highlight below – DaPiranha’s Casualty box on Landrover’s lovely custom pitch – ouch.



Round 4 draw just been posted: Rd 4 Draw

5 thoughts on “Cakebowl Game 3 & Overnight”

  1. Thanks for the great game Sann… Rueing my luck running out at the end but it was well played to tie. I don’t think I’ll have another as entertaining a game for quite a while!

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