It’s been a busy one – just seeing how many different aspects of the hobby I can fit into one weekend!
- Double header of SAWBBL league games on Saturday morning at the marvellous new Firestorm Games in Swindon, spending some quality time with Alex! A draw and a loss, sadly, but lots of fun.
Game on Fumbbl using teams in practice for the Bubba tournament in March – my Khorne against Twelfman’s Orcs. Managed to get the Bloodthirster to catch the ball but didn’t manage to go on to score!
- Helped out a US tournament using Exscore to run their tournament using Eurobowl rules.
- Painting my latest team, a Kislev team using Harlequin Troupe miniatures.
- Listening to various podcasts, Fumbbl and the World Cup, with the latter talking about my Tableau stats – good to hear them being used.
- Pleased to see my 2018 BB stats review being shared.
- Did some more work on adapting the Orc side of the BB16 board into a 7s pitch.
- Undercoated the Blitz Bowl teams – hoping to get them painted up soon.
I think that’s everything – what other forms of BB could I have added?