All posts by sann0638

Hobby Goals 2017 (start of)

Sorting out the painting table in a NYE way, got me thinking to goals for 2017 from a hobbying point of view.  First up, the painting table – still made of the “For Sale” sign from when we bought our house 14 years ago, still going strong!  Thinking about giving it a whitewash though so I can find fiddly small bits of models more easily.  On the painting table, the list is:

  • Morg for the Waterbowl legacy team ACHIEVED
  • The Impact Pro Elf team (both to be completed by UKTC, 14th Jan – 2 weeks, yikes!) ACHIEVED
  • One more Chimp for the Apes team, so they have the full catchers and can proxy as any team. Not sure I will take them to tournaments, as don’t really like confusing people, but they are fun to use. LOVELY PERSON SENT ME ONE, BUT NOT PAINTED
  • NAF shield diorama for the Bunker Bowl win 11 months ago!  Have purchased a Griffon for this purpose.  ACHIEVED
  • NAF shield diorama called “the shame of Belly” to represent the Thrudball win in August. ACHIEVED

Also plan to put together the figures from Silver Tower with the boys, to get them using clippers. BOYS DID THIS AND PAINTED THEM UP, BUT DIDN’T GET THE BUG

Away from modelling, I’d like to:

  • do some more work on ExScore to implement more bonus columns (mostly for Twelfman) and easier Stunty Cup results (as requested by Loki), and then to tidy it up to make it more reliable (and thus usable when I’m not here). PARTLY DONE, BUT DORMANT
  • do a series of Fumbbl match reports showing particular tactics in use. GOING WELL!
  • do commentary on games at tabletop tournaments (not sure if there is an audience for this or not, but it should be fun) DONE A FEW, STILL NOT MUCH AUDIENCE!
  • start up a proper gaming club at school HA, LEFT SCHOOL

And then of course there is a myriad of NAF projects, but don’t want to say too much about those at the moment in case they don’t come off, but I have a year of Presidency left, so let’s see what I can achieve! THIS HAS BEEN FUN… 🙂


Clad in our new hoodies, the Sann Clan marched to war!  ARBBL makes you use two different strength teams on the two days, so I was taking Elf then Vamps, Linus had Nurgle then Chaos Pact, Alex went for Chaos Dwarfs then Goblins. I was using the Apes to represent, as I enjoy the figures – Hawk got a little confused at the beginning, so it wasn’t perfect, but he didn’t manage a draw against me with Halflings so I don’t feel too bad.


Game 1 was against said Halflings for me, with Zara.  I went in 1-0 at the half, but the only fling off the pitch was from a sending off, who killed one of my catchers, so it wasn’t ideal. Zara got the ball, and rather than trying to dislodge it from a S4 blodger (Strip Ball might have been wise) I went for whittling down her support, which would have worked better had Hawk not whittled 4 of my players off the pitch in the first turn of the second half. A poorly-judged defence in turn 16 and some favourable dice meant that Hawk pulled off the 1-1 in the end.  Don’t supposed we’ll hear about it again though.  Alex managed a draw against the mighty Besters with his dodging CDs against Underworld, and Linus failed to stall against scs.sam’s Slann, trying a sideline cage (oops) and ended up on the wrong end of a 3-0.

Because of the format of the tournament, there were a lot of stunty teams, and we now played the Goblins of Bubba from Bristol, all 3 goblin teams.  Alex got chainsawed a lot, and ended up losing 1-0, Linus drew 0-0 in a nailbiter, and the Elves did what they are supposed to and managed a 5-0 against Eski, after a tense first half on his drive.

More stunties for me in game 3 against an ECBBL team, again made up of all Tier 3/4 teams. I faced Morg and halflings, coached by Yogi, in one of the most painful matches I’ve had, in terms of how ridiculously one-sided it was.  Both his trees rooted in turn 2, after 3 1s in a row, and from then on it was just a case of getting in Morg’s way until something went wrong for him. He had to try a desperation play eventually, and the Elves did the Elvish thing.  The second half didn’t get much better, and we finished on 4-0.  Alex lost 1-0 to Heff’s Vampires, managing to almost completely destroy his team, but not quite having the knowledge yet to capitalise.  Linus lost to an identical Morg team, coached by WishWellingtons.


So the Sann Clan finishes on 2-3-4, third bottom, and facing an ARBBL team this morning.  I was going to use the Apes as Vamps, but I think I will switch out to my standard Vamp team to avoid the confusion (or might ask my opponent each round).  Alex is looking forward to secret weapon shenanigans (including an HMP bomber) and Linus is using the TFF Legacy Pact team that I won when he was 3!  Despite my 10 TDs in the day, I am trailing behind Landrover’s High Elves for most TDs on 13, after he demolished Sam’s Slann 6-2, as well as a couple of other big scores.

Onwards, to victory!




Teaching the Kids Blood Bowl

A few thoughts on how to teach your offspring Blood Bowl.  My credentials to start with – I believe Dementor (my 2nd son) was the youngest ever NAF player when he played at the age of 8, and Enderman (the eldest) is aiming to be the youngest to complete the 24, having played 12 of them in 14 tournaments at the age of 11, and with ARBBL pick n mix in a couple of weeks he will have played 14 by the time he hits 12!  Zoe is currently 6, and just played her first game of 7s.

I started playing board games with them before they could count, and playing counting games as soon as they could (snakes and ladders, where they had a d8 and I had a d6).  My favourite photo is of Alex (Dementor) sitting on a potty playing chess with me.

We started BB at about age 6.  I did not mention strength, agility, go for its, kick off events or fouls. Everyone had the same strength and agility 3.  We did use assists (bringing in a friend) and we used 4 positionals, each shown with a base colour.  Everyone had AV8.

  • Blitzers had move 7 and Block.
  • Throwers had move 6, Pass and Sure Hands.
  • Catchers had move 8 and Catch.
  • Linemen had move 6.

We had one reroll per turn, plus the reroll skills as shown, so turnovers were rare.  I gave them lots of chances, and lots of coaching.

After they picked up the basics and could play games through, they started playing on Cyanide’s BB1 and quickly picked up the rest of the skills and then starting working on tactics.  They have both played on Fumbbl, with Linus’s first game being against Spartako, one of the best coaches in the world.

I have played Linus (Enderman) 4 times in NAF tournaments and he has taken 2 draws off me so far.  I’ve beaten Dementor once.  In the last tournament (Exebowl) I finished on the same points as both of them, as I got a win, and one got a win and the other two draws.

They play a lot against each other, as they have lots of time available and a ready opponent.  I own all the teams, so they quite happily swap between the teams, and know the stats of the Star Players better than I do…

Next job is to set a club up at school (I’m a secondary teacher), but time is always short!

Adventures with Apes

As everyone knows, there are 24 official NAF ranked teams, but there are also rules available for Khorne, Apes and Bretonnian (as well as a host of less commonly used teams).  I’ve played Khorne in the Cakebowl league and at a UKBBL tournament, and recently(ish) picked up the Apes of Wrath team in the Impact Kickstarter in order to use it in the league and as a proxy at NAF tournaments.  I’ve also played them in a league on Fumbbl, which is their main home (Khorne are from Cyanide’s BB1, and Bretonnian from BB2).

One of each

After a few troubles with undercoating the Trollcast, I used acrylic white that I happened to have lying around, and that took really well, and after that this was one of the quickest teams I have ever painted, as there is lots of hair!  I left the body armour off the gorillas, as there is always the option to add it later, perhaps if they do well in the league they can earn it.

Using the figures is absolutely brilliant, they look excellent as they move down the pitch, so I’m looking forward to using them at tournaments.  First up will be as Pro Elves at ARBBL Pick N Mix, with a couple of gorillas as blitzers, chimps as catchers, orangutan as throwers and bonobos as line-elves.  The ball handing fits the monkey theme really well.  The other positional is the gibbon, but not sure how often he will get used.


I’ve painted up a squad of 19 so far, with hopefully one more chimp flying over from Sweden to make 20, as the chimps work well as catchers, and sometimes 4 of those are good.

Haven’t decided yet whether I will use the Apes on Day 2 as well as proxies for Vampires – only 7 Bonobos, so the Gibbons may get to be thralls as well depending on the team build!  Or I may use traditional vamps, as the idea of blood-sucking Gorillas is a bit creepy.



ExScore ready for Eurobowl

euroresultThe spreadsheet I’ve been working on should now be ready for Eurobowl, after many hours of work.

You can run simulations of the tournament, and happily for Italy they earned their 4th star in the simulation to the right!

Please do have a play with the spreadsheet on the ExScore link, see if you can find any problems, use it for your own tournament if you want, and let me know how you get on (via Facebook, Twitter @sann0638 or any other method).


ExScore test of Elflympics

One of the fun things about ExScore is the ability to quickly simulate the results of tournaments, and I have put this to the test for Trumpkin’s Elflympics, a tournament that rewards TDs a lot.  The scoring system is 14/6/1, with 2 bonus points per TD, as well as bonuses for interceptions and long bombs.  By randomly generating results over 4 rounds for 20 coaches, I ran the tournament 5 times (which took about 2 minutes).

elflympicsThe upshot is the WDL primacy is largely upheld, with some interesting interaction between Draws and Losses, in that in one simulation a 1/3/0 record equals a 3/0/1 record (not to win the tournament, mind).  There are no tiebreakers used.  Any 4/0/0 record wins the tournament.

Edit!  I had a couple of dodgy settings – 1 bonus point per cas, and max of 3 TD bonuses.  Changing these puts the cat among the pigeons!

Cakebowl Day 1

Cakebowl is Swindon’s 2-Day Blood Bowl tournament, taking place this weekend at the Great Western (GW, ironically) Hotel.  30 coaches, 115TV 6 skills per day, much beer and even more cake.  After 3 games I’m on 3 wins, along with Glowworm, who is taking a break from his beloved goblins to play Chaos Dwarves, and they are agreeing with him.  Scs sam may well end up on 3 wins as well if he ever finishes his game against Greshvakk…


And he has!

We’ve had the football on as well, and we have the venue for the evening to watch the England game, as well as playing lots of board games and (again) more beer.  All the food has been included, except for the optional unlimited breakfast at the lovely hotel.  2 rooms, one of which with a massive projector, plenty of space to play.




Thanks to Gary for some deadly serious organising, and of course Mrs Gary for the lovely cake!




34mm Board Tryout

Played a drive against Alex (9) on my home-made 34mm board.  I kicked to him, as Skaven.  Interestingly, he struggled to reach the other end when he was close to my endzone, so dependent on what demographic GW are going for this might be something to consider!

We were using Cakebowl Day 2 skills, which meant 12 skill points, with a normal being 1 points and a double 2 points.  Lots of block on both sides mostly!

Set ups

I kicked to him, tried to encourage him to anticipate all of his first turn, looking at how many 2D blocks he can get in, but he wasn’t very keen!  He started his drive with a block with his Rat Ogre – he did have block but still not the best idea.  He then picked up with the thrower (against advice) and fluffed it.

Turn 1

My wolf swooped on the ball, assisted by a guarding wight.  Other wolf held back as a sweeper, because pesky gutter runners are quick.

Turn 2

He killed the wolf with the ball. Regen fail.  Sad times.

Dead wolf

Good recovery of the ball, though he did leave a blitz on the ball carrier with a 3+ dodge.  Luckily for him, the dodge failed.

Turn 3

Which allowed him to form a solid cage on his right flank.

Turn 4A

I tried to disrupt the cage, but he had numbers advantage by this stage.

Turn 4B

He managed to get a decent position, and could have quite happily stalled out for a few turns (and would have done in a tournament!), but it was his bedtime so he scored.

Turn 5

The pitch has now adjourned upstairs with the boys!

Bugmans XXXXXX

On the weekend of 21-22 May 2016 I headed to Warhammer World for the return of Blood Bowl to that esteemed venue for the first time in about six years.  This is my summary of that weekend, and will include a timeline of sorts, a few kind-of match reports, a quick analysis of results, but largely philosophical musings on the nature of BB in a tournament setting or otherwise.

I travelled up with Hudson on the Friday evening in a 4-hour journey that should take 2.5 max, due to the joys of motorway traffic. This was to avoid any possible problems with travelling on the Saturday morning, but also to have an extra evening in Bugman’s, the bar attached to Warhammer World (henceforth WW).  I absolutely love this place, it’s a massive castle, with orc heads, dwarven axes, and all sorts of foolishness.  And it sells beer.  I just wish the bar was open later, as it’s a huge shame to have to leave there at 8 to head somewhere else, especially as my favourite BB tournaments have a single evening venue, to be welcoming to anyone who has travelled by themselves, and to allow different groups to effectively mingle.


I did a quick write-up of the evening, so will skip ahead to the Saturday morning.  There were just over 100 coaches in attendance, playing 20 of the 21 possible races (no khemri, and obviously no slann, underworld or pact).  Looking around the room I recognised about 15-20 of the participants, which was an interesting contrast to the 100+ of the 150 at the NAF Championships 3 weeks before.  The random draw was showing, which was done on the two massive screens, with each “player number” having a table number next to it, and everyone headed to their tables to find their opponent.  This massively (apologies for overuse of the word) depersonalised a lot of the experience, as you couldn’t look at the list of people (which obviously didn’t have NAF names next to them anyway) and look for plum matchups, interesting racial clashes etc.  We didn’t in fact find out the racial breakdown until the very end of the tournament, though I did ask.

My first game was against humans, a 1300 TV team with no stars (lots of rerolls).  I won 2-0, with 7-2 (I think) in casualties, mostly from a single turn where I killed 3.  I chatted a fair amount about the NAF and the tournament scene, and he took down the address of my youtube channel (which I should get back to doing), but I wasn’t sure how much coaching to do, as I tend to only coach really when asked for it, in order not to seem presumptuous.  It’s fair to say at this stage that I won all 5 games, net 15-1 in touchdowns, and none of them were close (despite playing JBone in game 5, he decided to roll shockingly to make my life easier).  But I played each game as though it were a NAF tournament game, in a similar way as I play each league game, or in fact any game of BB I play ever, unless it is specifically a teaching game.  Thinking about this, however, and I won’t particularly edit this, there are differences depending on who I am playing (i.e. are they a strong player or not so much, so what do I need to do in order to win).

Highlights of other games were playing Sergi Torras, the miniature sculptor who has recently started working for GW, and destroying JBone’s dwarves, but then voting for him and seeing him win favourite opponent.  Otherwise, the games were against really nice guys, played in a good atmosphere (I thought…), but always with a slightly strange feeling about whether I should actually be trying to win or not.  Just in case anyone didn’t know before, the whole of this and the paragraph before is dependent on knowing that winning a game was irrelevant to winning the tournament – the tournament winner was the one with the most SPPs over the 5 games, with bonus SPPs each time you got someone sent off (not including secret weapons).

So, why did I feel like I shouldn’t actually be trying to win?  The feel of each game was actually a little like playing games in a perpetual league on Fumbbl or Cyanide, in that the result did not matter.  So why were we playing?  I still do try and win on Fumbbl, even though nothing rests on it, but I think I play there just to continually improve my game.  Or perhaps just because I enjoy playing.

I think if someone asked me to go along to a weekend at Warhammer World where I played games against inexperienced players and offered advice about how to improve their game, I would sign up for that like a shot (if GW staff are reading, the offer is open).  And that’s kind of what the games felt like, but without the authorisation to offer tips without seeming patronising.

In terms of winning the tournament, it felt like you could play the perfect game 5 times and not win.  So, winning was not important, to which the obvious result (thanks Wulfyn) is not to give prizes.  But there were prizes.  So people tried to win.  Not sure what the answer is to that one.  One solution is offering extra SPPs (5?) for winning, maybe?  But the SPP system doesn’t work with Swiss, as the two top teams could just farm points and move ahead.  Depends on people not playing the system, and any system that does that is not a great one.

So, those are the philosophical musings.  Logistically, it made me think that if I was allowed to run a tournament there I would be able to do all the things that I have ever wanted – it is virtually the perfect venue in my opinion, with space, character, booze, food, technology, and other extras.  Not showing people’s names on the draw was a shame.  The clock and the old-school pictures were great.  Too much time was allowed between games, although interestingly the time never dragged because there were lots of interesting people to talk to.  Having said that, it did drag after game 5 – I finished destroying JBone at about 3pm (albeit that being a quick game), and prizes were at 5.20.  All games were finished at 4, and there was an audible gasp when the big screens said 5.15 for presentations, as the point of 5 games seemed to be to get people away nice and early.  I got the final results of the World Cup done in 45 minutes, including the best player for each of the 24 races.  Not often I get to use the word unconscionable, but I will do here.  It seemed like the organisers didn’t start to enter any results from round 5 until all the results were in, basically.  Enough said, especially when the organisers are professional.

Other stuff – best painted was a public vote, which was a little surprising with so many good painters who could have been judges.  Minor point for me, as I’ll never win one.

Results wise, the top 4 were wood elves, and the top 10 were Ag4 except for me (hurrah!) and an impressive performance from a goblin team (lots of 4-3 wins etc).  Ogres won most casualties.  Some interesting skills developed as stacking was allowed, as was putting skills on unlimited Stars, so there was Eldril with pass, making him an SPP machine, someone else building a Vampire with all the skill choices, and Hudson’s amazing 6-Star Ogre team.

Great to have Andy Hoare there all weekend, really good engagement with the community, answering lots of questions honestly, and a massive shame that James Hewitt couldn’t make it.  I would thoroughly recommend both of them heading to a NAF weekend sometime soon, to experience another side of BB.  That side I did struggle to explain convincingly why it is so good, and for me it comes down to seeing so many people regularly, and putting names to results, something that was missing from this.

Would I go again with this setup?  Honestly not sure.  I do love Warhammer World, and it was great to meet so many new people, but I do like competitive games, and I mostly go to tournaments for those. But then I have 10 other tournaments a year for those.  Lots in the balance.

1400 words that seems like enough.  Will add more if there are unanswered questions.  Apologies if I have come across as arrogant, or whatever – just trying to be honest.

Added facts:

I took Necro, with J Earlice.  Rolled a 6 on a wolf, and thought I gave him MB, but actually it was a special “stunning stick”.  Next was block on the other wolf, then Nerves of Steel on Earlice.  Final skill was MB on a Wight.

Final standings:

13221200_1219625888056889_4957842749179845962_o 13268419_1219625881390223_7942403878998932774_o 13235211_1219625878056890_2695953814956001207_o

Official Warhammer World photos.

Bugmans 1

It’s the morning of Bugman’s XXXXXX (henceforth referred to as Bugman’s) and as ever I woke up crazy early on tournament day.  Just under a 4 hour journey from Swindon to Nottingham in Friday evening traffic left Hudson and me just enough time for a swift pint in Bugman’s bar before heading to Pizza Hut with JBone, Be4ch, JT-Y and Ruthy to set the BB world to rights over unlimited salad.

Before that though, we pre-registered with Nick, putting in team names to the big GW spreadsheet.  The event is sold out at 100 people, and there was a big box of white classic block dice being given out (should have taken a photo, sorry!), along with templates for anyone who needs them, and name cards, which get you food all weekend.


13238977_10153486920461244_1525876316119283038_nThere were a few BBers gaming in the hall, great to see, though one of them was using Space Wolves!  Didn’t have time to say hello, but looking forward to meeting lots of new people today (I knew >100 of the 140 at NAFC, expecting to know about 20/100 today).

After Pizza Hut, Gary and I headed to Ludorati, a board games cafe in Nottingham, getting there about 10pm which gave us an hour of gaming time – ran through the tutorial of Warhammer Quest and then a few quick games of That’s My Fish, awesome little game, suprisingly tactical and frustrating when you realise you’ve lost (and satisfying when you realise you’ve won). Sounds like a game I’ll be playing today…