BBTS first review here.
This is a look at the teams done by Vergond for BB2020. Will say up front that this is an amazing achievement for a community resource, and anything here is not a criticism, just things to bear in mind when using. I finish with a “tier list” of which teams I would choose to use when playing.
Slightly underdressed catcher for me, but otherwise brilliant!

Chaos Dwarf
Really good, massive weapon on the Bull! Small weapons on the CD and hobgob.

Dark Elf
Big sword on the blitzer, otherwise spot on.
High Elf

A few weapons on these guys. Serious ogre!

Big fat weapon on the herald, and smaller ones on the other ones, but good otherwise.

Scary stuff! Sword on the ghoul and fat cleaver on the flesh golem, but the others are brilliant.

Almost perfect except for the swords on the ulf. I think I would swap in the Necro wolf above, then this might be my team of choice (while being slightly underdressed, but there are lots of fully dressed men around!)

One small weapon, but otherwise spot on.

Tomb Kings
Shame about the massive sceptre! Skeleton has a good Jason and the Argonauts vibe.

The skaven here definitely got lost from a Warhammer battlefield!

Solid. Shame the team is so bad currently…

Wood Elves
Our first bows on the pitch! Scary knives mark out the wardancer, I guess no-one was brave enough to take them away.

Great big guys, scary little guys with weapons. Nice team!

Chaos Renegades
The crazy gang come together really nicely, unique figures easily identifiable for each position.

An actual BB team! Wonder what the story is of why these guys exist… Love the T-poses, as the kids say.

Pro Elves/ Elven Union
Not a big fan of these, but very usable.

This lot are suitably bonkers. The Doom Diver in the bottom left is wearing a top hat, the bomber has a clown mask, and altogether they capture the craziness of this team!

Black Orcs
In with a bullet to #1 team. Awesome stuff, and one of the teams you can’t play online at the moment, so definitely a contender.

Another perfect one. I love Kislev!

Weapons on the positionals, but in this case I think that’s quite handy to identify them (didn’t say I was consistent!).

Imperial Nobility
Worth playing just for the Ogre. In fact, I think I’d play a team of Ogres with the Ogres from each of the teams, that would be awesome! Pretty good, unfortunate blitzer weapon, but will forgive it.

Perfect, again.

Suitably disgusting. Maybe the massive halberd explains the foul appearance?

The actual Ogre team, Runt Punter on the right. If I were to play Ogres I would use the Ogre figure from each of the different teams, and it would look amazing!

Solid team. I’d swap the blitzer (bottom right) for the lineman (bottom centre) as I don’t use linemen (go gobbos!). Love the thrower (bottom left) who just wants a hug.

Shambling Undead
Awesome mummy and wight. Solid team.

Few too many weapons for me on this one, doesn’t quite capture the BB vibe.

Interestingly, this one had some error messages flash up, which would get annoying if using. But snotlings are meant to be annoying, so maybe that’s part of the charm? The stilty runner is floating…

So for me, if I was looking for an immersive experience, this is how I would rank the teams:
1 – pretty much perfect, I would use these as first choice:
Dwarf, Lizard, Slann, Kislev, adapted Norse, Black Orc, adapted Ogre, Amazon, High Elf, adapted Orc, Renegades,
2 – perfect unless you’re picky, use if you like the teams in particular:
Vampire, Halfling, Nobility, Chaos Dwarf, Chaos, Dark Elf, Human, Nurgle, Khorne, Necro, Undead, Wood Elf
3 – I would only use if I was a superfan of the teams:
Skaven, Elven Union, Goblin, Snotling, Tomb Kings, Underworld
Sharp eyes might have noticed OWA omission, they’re made up of other teams. Silly team…
Again to reiterate, an amazing community efford by Vergond, and I can’t wait to get stuck in with playing – videos to come later. Will be great as a training resource as well, with more flexibility than other online platforms. Will be my training video resource of choice from now on, and there is already talk of leagues, though I’m personally somewhat overcommitted with Fumbbl and BB2!