Category Archives: Gaming

Welsh Open Goblins

After 82 NAF tournaments it’s always good to find a novel reason for choosing a race for a tournament, so for this one I made a bet with myself – if Wales beat France in the 6 Nations on Friday night, I would take Goblins, if not, then Chaos Dwarves. I also hadn’t tried out Gobbos with the Doom Diver, and I do like the Welsh habit of advertising previous stunty cup winners, so thought I would take on the challenge of being added to that illustrious roster.

16-0 to France at half time and it looked like I might have a successful weekend instead, but then a catalogue of French errors meant that the little guys made the trip across the (free!) bridge instead. I went for 2 fanatics, chainsaw, and a piling on Troll, hoping to reduce numbers and then walk in some TDs. Fink da Fixer also joined the party.

Game 1 was against my younger son, Dementor, with Pro Elven Union (as I’m calling them nowadays). He received, and went for a fairly quick TD, but Diving Tackle did for him. Sadly, it only postponed the TD by a couple of turns. Failed to score back, but managed to kill both Blitzers with my chainsaw, before the bribe failed (even with Fink’s reroll!) and he got sent off.

The second half was exciting, as I cleared the pitch by turn 5 – 6 KOs and 5 Casualties. So should I go in for the draw or push for the win? The win, of course! He got 3 elves back, so had to put them all on the LOS (below!), but a touchback ruined my fun, and I ended up losing. Waaah! Should be plenty of opportunities for revenge though…

Game 2 was AngryHobbit’s Orcs with Ripper. My chainsaw died on a thrown rock on the kick off, then I managed to wipe my fanatics out with each other on a double both down (there was a good reason!), so it was an uphill struggle. AH was kind enough to offer me a few chances, so it finished 1-0.

Goblins were hard work, and became harder in Game 3 – High Elves with an Accurate/Strong Arm thrower! I killed 3 of them in turn 1, but then it went pear-shaped in turn 2 as his Tackle Blitzer killed my dodge that was supposed to be the corner of the cage, and then knocked down my blodge pogoer, popping the ball loose. Sad times! It got worse from there, finishing 6-2, after I got a couple of Doom Diver TDs but he got a lot more, obviously.

So what to play for on Day 2? I have 12 casualties, as everything dead is counting, so will be looking to rack that up. 3 wins would put me in contention for the stunty cup, though with experienced stunty coaches in Glowworm, Cornish and Hobnail, that’s not guaranteed either.


Eurobowl 13 (2018)

Another Eurobowl in the bag – Scotland cap number 5, 10 years after cap number 1!  A great weekend, with only the Blood Bowl performances being disappointing.  The Wales team did a brilliant job at the SWALEC stadium, home of Glamorgan cricket club, which was a fantastic venue with a free-flowing bar, superb AV equipment and a lovely atmosphere throughout with plenty of space to socialise.  I’d taken the kids along in the first ever all-U16 Europen team, and they had a superbly enjoyable weekend as well.

Game 1 was against a league mate, Raging82, the Ireland team captain, my necro against his lizards.  With a tackle wight and sharpened claws, I was fairly happy with the racial match up, but sadly I only managed a single casualty all day, and it wasn’t in this game!  The game was captured on the YouTube channel for Beer and Blood Bowl, so I might watch back once the dust has settled.  It started well with a failed skink pickup, and if my blodge ghoul had made the 4+ pickup in my turn it would have been a very different game.  Instead, it bounced to a skink…

I had other chances – a two dice block to free a wight to blitz the ball carrier failed, as did a GFI to surf late in the half, but I went in 1-0 down.  Facing a full team of 11 I would have been happy with a draw, but Nuffle messed with me when my flesh golem caught the ball.  Made the rookie error of thinking 8 turns would be enough to wander up the pitch, and at this point the lizards started leaving the pitch, but in turn 7 the golem got bogged down within range of the endzone and it all went wrong.  Kudos to Dan for starting his captaincy with a win for himself and the team, as we went down 4.5 to 3.5.  In the new scoring system, 0 points.  This will be a recurring theme.

Game 2 was against Austria, Lewdgrip’s Chaos Pact.  Managed a fair amount of pressure on his drive, but his Dark Elf squirmed free and squeaked over the line in turn 6, giving me 3 turns to score back.  Sadly, it was a deep kick, and I messed up my strategy, pushing too hard for the equaliser at the half.  This did not go well, and a failed ghoul dodge meant I went in 2-0 down.  On my drive I scored in 2, and then popped the ball loose, but he recovered it again.  And then nonsense, as I managed a long pass after some serious shenanigans to pull it back to 2-2.  Sadly, another 4.5 – 3.5 loss, and still 0 points.

Game 3 v Hungary, this time against Nelkor’s unconventional Wood Elves – 2 wardancers and 10 linemen!  I managed my first casualty of the day in this game, but as he also ran out of space in the KO box I shouldn’t moan too much.  A 2-0 win, and a first round win for Scotland.

I had a quiet evening with the kids, though I understand the Cardiff night life played host to a good number of Blood Bowlers, making the most of the clocks going back and the fairly late Sunday finish.

Game 4 was Norway, Straume’s Dark Elves, who I had faced at the NAF Championship.  I left an early half chance involving a 4+ dodge into the cage, which worked, but I should have been able to recover, only to be mashed by a 1 in 81 failure.  Shouldn’t have made the mistake, and deserved to lose 1-0 against a great player.  Sadly, another 4.5 – 3.5 loss.

Game 5 v newcomers Greece, to whom I had leant an Orc team, but luckily I wasn’t facing them as that would have been confusing.  A more conventional Wood Elf team than previously in the hands of Cana, and ended up on stream again.  Game started well, killing the strip wardancer in the first couple of turns, and I thought I’d done enough to stop the score, only for the elfs to do the elfy thing in turn 8.   Plenty of carnage on my drive, but again mostly KOs, so when the captain’s orders came through to push for the win I was sceptical, and pleased when they were reversed a minute later.  I walked it in on my turn 8, and was happy to rely on my golems to stop the one-turner.  Made another mistake though, as I had forgotten about his frenzy wardancer, and I’d set a player up two squares back from the line instead of 3.  He took full advantage, pushed him into his own half, and then used him to get the two squares that his catcher needed.  3 unprotected GFIs later and I’d lost.  Not a trick I’d seen before, but was kicking myself about it.  Worth a watch!  We won the round, but hosting rights were beyond us at this stage, being fought over between Finland and Malta.

Final game and I was on bottom table for I think the first time in my Eurobowl history, facing Quetzal of Belgium’s undead.  Managed a 1-0 win, to put the seal on his rubbish results weekend, which culminated in him rolling two lots of triple both downs.  Scotland won the round, putting us on 3-0-3 for the weekend, and midtable again.

Results wise, congratulations to England after one of their tightest Eurobowl wins, and a huge well done to the Scottish Europen team who managed third.  The Sann Clan got a round win against Beer and Blood Bowl, plus a handful of decent individual results, including contributing 10 casualties to Wobert’s most casualties trophy!

I’d decided before this tournament to hang up my Eurobowl boots as there is enough strength in depth resident in Scotland and taking part in Scottish tournaments to be able to pick two Eurobowl teams, so it’s healthier for Scottish Blood Bowl to have plenty of opportunities to qualify without taking up a wild card pick.  If ever the team end up with only 7 willing to travel, then I’ll expect a call, but that doesn’t seem like a likely situation any time soon, so I’ll be supporting from the sidelines in future, and probably heading up a Sann Clan team in the Europen, depending on the cost of heading to Poland in 2020 and Malta in 2021!

I was really pleased for the organisers, Hawca and Dapiranha, plus others, pulling off a triumphant weekend.  Very glad personally that the scoring software I wrote survived the weekend, and that I was able to contribute in a small way to the success of the tournament.  Next up is to get registered for the World Cup, in which I’ll be playing and probably not having to do anything to do with the organisation, which was an enjoyable experience in Portugal and I looking forward to experiencing it again!



Blocking in the Dark

My attempts at finding a clear way to stream continue!  I now have a green screen style dice roller, which allows me to superimpose the dice on the board, which is pretty cool…

This is me rolling yet another 1 when my minotaur attempts to blitz, and slumping over the table, as part of my SAWBBL league game.  But the latest problem is that by getting enough light on the dice box to make it show up on the board, the rest of the table is plunged into darkness.  Boo!

There was a separate issue that neither player could see the dice very well, which for me detracted from the enjoyment of the game.  And I like using a dice cup!  Which comes to the nub of the issue, which is that when playing the game the enjoyment of the two players has to be paramount, and I haven’t yet managed to figure out how to stream really well without reducing this.  Apart from having a third party to do the filming, as the Waterbowl chaps have shown very well in their partnership with Element Games.

All of this of course is not to diminish the fab streaming from Raging82, the Beer and Blood Bowl guys, and others, but I’m on a quest to make tabletop BB as viewer friendly as electronic BB can be, and I’m not there yet…

Red Trophy Draws and Results

# Coach Race Score Touchdowns Casualties Opp Score
1 sann0638 Necromantic Undead 7 8 2 14 3 20
2 twelfman Lizardman 7 7 4 7 13 17
3 heartsbane Chaos Dwarf 6 7 5 10 9 16
4 hobnail Amazon 6 6 4 9 8 19
5 20phoenix Chaos 6 5 3 8 8 14
6 Fisher Chaos Pact 5 6 3 13 7 16
7 dreamscreator Chaos Dwarf 5 6 4 16 11 10
8 duffins Goblin 5 9 8 15 13 10
9 dionysian Chaos Dwarf 5 4 3 7 11 12
10 cornish Skaven 5 7 6 10 14 14
11 khorneliuspraxx Wood Elf 5 5 5 2 12 10
12 nightwing Chaos Dwarf 4 5 4 15 7 13
13 itchen Underworld 4 5 5 21 4 14
14 dapiranha Chaos 4 3 3 9 15 12
15 andswin Slann 4 9 11 15 10 15
16 manicmechanic Skaven 3 8 8 10 13 12
17 skab Human 3 6 6 5 16 11
18 frogboy Orc 3 4 5 12 5 9
19 kismet Nurgle Rotters 3 2 5 8 8 13
20 angryhobbit Chaos 2 4 6 10 6 10
21 svine High Elf 2 6 8 8 7 9
22 domfluff Underworld 2 3 5 12 13 8
23 flaponion Ogre 2 3 5 10 17 6
24 nonumber Skaven 2 4 6 8 16 8
25 sillysimon Undead 2 3 7 10 12 6
26 thevoiceofjericho Vampire 2 6 10 8 14 8

Round 4

1 – sann0638 (Necromantic Undead) v twelfman (Lizardman)
2 – heartsbane (Chaos Dwarf) v Fisher (Chaos Pact)
3 – itchen (Underworld) v 20phoenix (Chaos)
4 – cornish (Skaven) v dionysian (Chaos Dwarf)
5 – hobnail (Amazon) v manicmechanic (Skaven)
6 – skab (Human) v dreamscreator (Chaos Dwarf)
7 – frogboy (Orc) v duffins (Goblin)
8 – kismet (Nurgle Rotters) v nightwing (Chaos Dwarf)
9 – khorneliuspraxx (Wood Elf) v angryhobbit (Chaos)
10 – domfluff (Underworld) v dapiranha (Chaos)
11 – andswin (Slann) v thevoiceofjericho (Vampire)
12 – svine (High Elf) v flaponion (Ogre)
13 – nonumber (Skaven) v sillysimon (Undead)

Round 3

Table 1 – hobnail (Amazon) 0 (1) v 3 (5) sann0638 (Necromantic Undead)
Table 2 – twelfman (Lizardman) 2 (6) v 1 (3) manicmechanic (Skaven)
Table 3 – itchen (Underworld) 2 (9) v 2 (1) cornish (Skaven)
Table 4 – dreamscreator (Chaos Dwarf) 1 (2) v 2 (2) heartsbane (Chaos Dwarf)
Table 5 – skab (Human) 1 (0) v 1 (4) frogboy (Orc)
Table 6 – andswin (Slann) 0 (1) v 3 (3) Fisher (Chaos Pact)
Table 7 – 20phoenix (Chaos) 1 (4) v 0 (1) dapiranha (Chaos)
Table 8 – angryhobbit (Chaos) 0 (3) v 1 (1) dionysian (Chaos Dwarf)
Table 9 – kismet (Nurgle Rotters) 1 (3) v 1 (0) khorneliuspraxx (Wood Elf)
Table 10 – nightwing (Chaos Dwarf) 1 (4) v 1 (3) domfluff (Underworld)
Table 11 – duffins (Goblin) 2 (4) v 1 (2) nonumber (Skaven)
Table 12 – thevoiceofjericho (Vampire) 2 (1) v 2 (3) svine (High Elf)
Table 13 – flaponion (Ogre) 1 (5) v 1 (4) sillysimon (Undead)

Round 2

Table 1 – sann0638 (Necromantic Undead) 2 (3) v 1 (1) Fisher (Chaos Pact)
Table 2 – heartsbane (Chaos Dwarf) 2 (1) v 2 (3) cornish (Skaven)
Table 3 – hobnail (Amazon) 2 (4) v 0 (1) khorneliuspraxx (Wood Elf)
Table 4 – andswin (Slann) 1 (5) v 2 (1) twelfman (Lizardman)
Table 5 – domfluff (Underworld) 0 (1) v 1 (5) itchen (Underworld)
Table 6 – frogboy (Orc) 1 (4) v 1 (1) angryhobbit (Chaos)
Table 7 – thevoiceofjericho (Vampire) 1 (4) v 4 (5) manicmechanic (Skaven)
Table 8 – dreamscreator (Chaos Dwarf) 1 (6) v 0 (2) nonumber (Skaven)
Table 9 – dapiranha (Chaos) 1 (4) v 1 (3) dionysian (Chaos Dwarf)
Table 10 – nightwing (Chaos Dwarf) 1 (5) v 1 (3) duffins (Goblin)
Table 11 – svine (High Elf) 1 (0) v 2 (2) 20phoenix (Chaos)
Table 12 – sillysimon (Undead) 0 (2) v 3 (0) skab (Human)
Table 13 – flaponion (Ogre) 0 (1) v 1 (3) kismet (Nurgle Rotters)

Round 1

Table 1 – heartsbane (Chaos Dwarf) 2 (5) v 1 (1) skab (Human)
Table 2 – cornish (Skaven) 2 (5) v 1 (2) sillysimon (Undead)
Table 3 – hobnail (Amazon) 1 (3) v 0 (1) 20phoenix (Chaos)
Table 4 – svine (High Elf) 1 (1) v 2 (1) khorneliuspraxx (Wood Elf)
Table 5 – domfluff (Underworld) 2 (4) v 2 (2) nonumber (Skaven)
Table 6 – duffins (Goblin) 4 (6) v 5 (6) andswin (Slann)
Table 7 – dapiranha (Chaos) 1 (2) v 1 (4) frogboy (Orc)
Table 8 – flaponion (Ogre) 0 (1) v 1 (6) Fisher (Chaos Pact)
Table 9 – dreamscreator (Chaos Dwarf) 1 (3) v 1 (3) thevoiceofjericho (Vampire)
Table 10 – itchen (Underworld) 1 (3) v 1 (1) dionysian (Chaos Dwarf)
Table 11 – manicmechanic (Skaven) 2 (1) v 2 (2) angryhobbit (Chaos)
Table 12 – twelfman (Lizardman) 2 (0) v 1 (2) nightwing (Chaos Dwarf)
Table 13 – sann0638 (Necromantic Undead) 2 (3) v 0 (1) kismet (Nurgle Rotters)

Chaos Dwarf are tier 2, so we have a few of those, but a nice spread otherwise.

BB Round Robin generator

New Blood Bowl Excel tournament organiser!  This time it’s a Round Robin, originally designed for Coffee Cup, the 24 hour tournament run by the redoubtable Jip.  Worked well and has had a couple of tweaks now, including adding race to the table.

BB Round Robin v02

v03 now available, which puts the rounds in a random order, so people don’t play opponents in the same sequence…


Blood Bowl Pro Moves

After various discussions with Jip, here is a light-hearted selection of “pro moves” that show an affinity with the rulebook you can use to your advantage!

  1. Using a ball and chain to block your own player with dodge, knowing that with 3 dice you’re unlikely to hurt him or yourself
  2. Using an apo to turn a KO to Stun
  3. In a league game, fouling with your best player once you have the win in the bag to keep him safe for the next game
  4. Dumping off to the player who is blitzing you so that he catches it and can’t score
  5. Running into the corner when about to be blitzed so the ball scatters somewhere crazy

Using Paint to annotate OBS

Thanks to cknoor for pointing me towards a tutorial, will link it later!

This is what I ended up doing, for OBS 64bit 0.16.2

  • Open a Paint Window
  • Add a Window Capture and choose the Paint window.  Make sure this is the top layer on OBS
  • Click on Filters, and set the Color Key to those items shown
  • Also in Filters, set Reduce until you can’t see the top window and the scroll bars – this will depend on your monitor (I think, I’m no expert!)
  • Choose the size of the Paint window to match the OBS setup – this is just trial and error.

Hobby Goals 2017 (start of)

Sorting out the painting table in a NYE way, got me thinking to goals for 2017 from a hobbying point of view.  First up, the painting table – still made of the “For Sale” sign from when we bought our house 14 years ago, still going strong!  Thinking about giving it a whitewash though so I can find fiddly small bits of models more easily.  On the painting table, the list is:

  • Morg for the Waterbowl legacy team ACHIEVED
  • The Impact Pro Elf team (both to be completed by UKTC, 14th Jan – 2 weeks, yikes!) ACHIEVED
  • One more Chimp for the Apes team, so they have the full catchers and can proxy as any team. Not sure I will take them to tournaments, as don’t really like confusing people, but they are fun to use. LOVELY PERSON SENT ME ONE, BUT NOT PAINTED
  • NAF shield diorama for the Bunker Bowl win 11 months ago!  Have purchased a Griffon for this purpose.  ACHIEVED
  • NAF shield diorama called “the shame of Belly” to represent the Thrudball win in August. ACHIEVED

Also plan to put together the figures from Silver Tower with the boys, to get them using clippers. BOYS DID THIS AND PAINTED THEM UP, BUT DIDN’T GET THE BUG

Away from modelling, I’d like to:

  • do some more work on ExScore to implement more bonus columns (mostly for Twelfman) and easier Stunty Cup results (as requested by Loki), and then to tidy it up to make it more reliable (and thus usable when I’m not here). PARTLY DONE, BUT DORMANT
  • do a series of Fumbbl match reports showing particular tactics in use. GOING WELL!
  • do commentary on games at tabletop tournaments (not sure if there is an audience for this or not, but it should be fun) DONE A FEW, STILL NOT MUCH AUDIENCE!
  • start up a proper gaming club at school HA, LEFT SCHOOL

And then of course there is a myriad of NAF projects, but don’t want to say too much about those at the moment in case they don’t come off, but I have a year of Presidency left, so let’s see what I can achieve! THIS HAS BEEN FUN… 🙂

Bank Holiday Gaming

Not content with Birthday Bowl, we spent a lot of yesterday in the pub playing Munchkin Loot Letter, a birthday present from frogboy that the boys have become slightly obsessed with.  We then had some friends around for some Bank Holiday Monday gaming fun – introducing them to lots of board games they hadn’t played before!

They arrived a bit before lunch, and the kids started on Loot Letter (as it’s only a 4 player game) while the grown-ups actually had conversations, and then we introduced the adults to King of Tokyo (though my 4-year-old daughter won). The kids also managed to squeeze in a game of full Munchkin before lunch too!

After some quality lunch and a healthy walk, one contingent played a bit of King of Tokyo, Labyrinth and Qwirkle, while the other played Loot Letter and then Carcassone.

Many fun times, and I think I’ve added to a boardgame shopping list.

As for us, eldest is now on Paper Super Mario on the Wii, and I’ve got a Fumbbl game lined up for later.  No rest for the wicked!

Christmas Gaming Ch 4

To wrap up the Christmas gaming period – returned home a few days ago and was promptly struck down with a horrible bug, consigning me to my bed for about 48 hours.

In the meantime, what had happened?  My elder brother mentioned that his son was keen to play Risk, so we dug out the old family edition (about 35 years old) and dusted off the old dice, though updated it by adding some nice Perudo dice of matching colours to the armies and Perudo dice cups (I love a good dice cup).  First game went smoothly, but then we played again later and as I’d had a few glasses of wine I didn’t give enough thought to how to level the playing field, as this time I was playing against two rookies.  I duly played to win, and thus did.  Tears ensued.

The next morning the boys played against each other, and there were mild fisticuffs.  Love Risk.

Upon returning home (before starting shaking and other unpleasant things) I again dug out some Lord of the Rings Risk, this time last used about 10 years ago!  lotrrisk2

This is the same as the original, but on Middle Earth, with special figures (for 1,3,5 instead of 1 and 10) and with a few optional special rules to do with fortresses (+1 to defence) and Leaders (+1 to defence and attack).  I also decided some extra special rules where children get 3 extra reinforcements per turn.  Predictably, this time I lost (a bit too heavily, so 3 was probably too many…)

Final gaming addition after the family party on the other side was Holiday Fluxx, lots of fun as are all the foolish Fluxx games.  Back to school on Monday, ah well!