UKTC 2024 Day 1

Fun day yesterday, quick Gnome download!  My roster was all the toys, 5 rerolls, 2 coaches, 15 players, with Guard and Block on trees and 4 dodge gnomes positionals, 3 dodge linemen.

Game 1 was Bashto’s vampires.  I’d played a warmup game against Alex’s vamps, with basically the same build, and failed to hurt anything, so I thought as long as I can get some dead thralls it should be OK.  Didn’t happen, sadly.  We played in a blizzard the whole game which was pretty crippling, as well.

He put me in for the first drive, and I was a little sloppy with my screen set up, meaning he could get round the outside with a few players.  Didn’t have the movement to protect the ball afterwards, but 4 dice on the carrier for me was not enough, and he was able to wriggle free and score on my turn 4 when I pushed him to the end zone to prevent the further stall.  A few solid turns put me in easy TTM range, but fluffed the 3+ landing and then they did the AG thing and travelled the length of the pitch in a couple of turns for 2-0 at the half.

The second half was a procession, and it finished 4-1, not a great start and the team lost as well to Tactic and Theatrics, who finished day 1 on 3 wins, so didn’t feel too bad about that.

Game 2 I had snotlings coached by Squigthrower, in our marvellous hats!

He had an excellent devil may care attitude to playing snotlings, and it ended in a 3-0 win for me and a team win as well.  Back in the game!

Game 3 was Necro coached by Gizmo3k on the Scottish Murder Queens team, who is waiting for his gnome team to arrive!  Bit of a relieve to be playing a fairly normal team.  He fluffed the pick up early on, and my fox scooped it up, surviving 4 dice to run in for 1-0 on my turn 2.  I then scored in my turn 4 of the second half, and it should have been fairly comfortable, but he pushed to make it 2-1, and then I did my best to lose by faffing around in the backfield instead of consolidating, but got away with it.  Phew!  A solid team win put us and me on 201 for the day, in the hunt for the stunty trophy and a top 20 finish for the team, I reckon.  A decent showing would also put me world #1 for gnomes, as this is a major, but 3 games to go first, and Team Wales in Game 4, which will be a challenge.  Facing Jayward and his orcs, and hoping he left his tackle behind having seen the racial breakdown (45 orcs!)

Game 5 will also be my 600th NAF game of Tabletop 11s!

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