UKTC 2024 Day 2

Following on from UKTC 2024 Day 1, which was lots of fun, we were up against Team Wales for the beginning of day 2, and dreaming of great things.

The UKTC hall for the top half of the draw

I played Jayward, a new opponent for me who is likely to be a solid part of team Wales based on his performance this weekend.  He had Orcs, including a feared tackle blitzer.  The first half was marked by him not being able to roll a pow until turn 6, and said blitzer spending a fair amount of time on the floor getting kicked in the head.  He withdrew sensibly, which isolated one of my trees when he went to the flank, but my bizarre numerical advantage meant I was able to force multiple 3+s from him, all of which came off, then a key one of mine failed and he went in for the turn 8 score, and the TTM score was not to be.

There was also a weird situation where I used the same player twice, as a combination of a jump up block and orc removal meant he was facing the wrong way and neither of us noticed until about 20 dice had been rolled.  Luckily we were able to rewind to the position before it happened.  Apologies again!

Second half belonged to the aforementioned orc blitzer, dodging into the cage on a 5 to take out the first fox, then pulling off a 4,3,2,2 to take out the second, leaving the game at 1-0 and a squad loss for us.  Team Wales went on to come second in the tournament, so well done to them!

Round 5 was the fine gentlemen of Two Men One Dice Cup, and I got to play Chilli for my 600th game of NAF tabletop 11s, whose pro elves promptly destroyed me 5-1.  He scored in 3, then took a 5+ into the cage and catch the ball.  I wrestled him down, and the ball popped to the other blitzer, and the game was pretty much over, save for a consolation TTM score and a bit of elf faffing.  Blood Bowl, eh?  A team win though, happily.

Round 6 was the return of the vamps, coached by blackduke on a team from one of my home counties of Somerset, but only 3 rerolls, which Sunday and Monday (more later) has convinced me is too few.  He burned through them super quickly with an impressive collection of 1s, and the game finished on a 2-1 win, leaving me on 303 for the weekend and bottom of our squad, as Chicken23’s goblins went 222 with a better strength of schedule.  Alex (Pegleg/Dementor) smashed the weekend on 510, coming 3rd out of 300 individual coaches on SOS, and Stewbacca had a great 321 with his amazons.

The Sann Clan finished 12th out of 76, which is fair to say probably slightly higher than expectations!  Many thanks to Pipey and the team for a great weekend again, and look forward to returning under Haychdee’s stewardship.

Sann Clan – Stewbacca (Stu), Chicken23 (Tom), me, Dementor / Pegleg (Alex)

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